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Whispers of Love, Hope & Joy

Monday, July 12, 2021

Categories: PD/GO Websites

Video Transcript

Steve Schwartz
Hi, it's Steve Schwartz with PD/GO Digital Marketing. I wanted to show you a new website that we launched recently, because it's a beautiful website and an amazing mission that this organization does. The organization is called Whispers of Love, Hope and Joy. And they're based in Iowa. And they're a nonprofit ministry that helps women and children that have gone through abuse of different types and helping them rebuild their lives. And it's an amazing organization. And we wanted to create a really top notch website for them to share with the world, who they are, and what they do, and obviously how you can help. So if you look in the upper left corner, we see a very attractive logo. Upper right, we have links to their Facebook and Instagram, a link to donate which goes to the Network for Good. And the ability to sign up for being in touch with them with mailing lists and whatnot. We have their navigation items across the top "Home, Who We Are, What We Do, more items, their Blog, and Contact Us. And if you notice in the upper right corner, we have a flyout for the ADA compliant version of the website so that people who are either blind or deaf or have issues like that have the ability to use the website successfully as well. On the main part of the page, it talks about the organization what they do, and if someone needs help, there's a button that they can click to get in touch. And as we scroll down the page, if you watch the graphic here, it's really attractive watch this. This is called parallax. It's a techniques where the background and foreground images move in separate speeds. And it's just very attractive, I think. The next layer has their logo and more information about the organization, what they do and how they do it. Their mission statement and vision This is a different layer. And if you watch how we did the parallax here, you can see how on the dandelion, the pieces that come off are separate from the background of the dandelion. Some Bible verses from the book of Jeremiah, and here's the director of the organization. And down here at the bottom, we have different focal items and articles and information that you can click on read more. And then at the bottom, you have their logo connecting on social media, their address and whatnot. And the ability to contact through the web, fill out the form click Submit. Anyways, it's just a very, very attractive website and affordable and here to help the client have a their best foot forward out on the internet to help lots and lots of people in their area. Okay, if we can ever help you with your project, please don't hesitate to reach out to PD/GO and the best way to speak with me personally is to visit overview.pdgo.com and that'll give you an overview of our firm. You can also visit schedule.pdgo.com to set up a time that works on your calendar to speak with me personally. Have a great day.
