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Top 10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Professional Website

Top 10 reasons a business should invest in a website

There are a few basic marketing tools that every business needs to promote their business.

However, one of the most important is having a professionally designed website.

Here are the top 10 reasons any business should invest in a website:

Reason #1 – A Website Acts As an Online Brochure

Companies incur huge expenses creating printed brochures and distributing them. By having a website, you can skip that expense entirely. Your potential customers can easily find out about you, your products and services online. If you get most of your business through networking and personal connections, your personal contacts will want to check out your website before they become your customers.

Reason #2 – A Website Allows More Customers to Find You

More than 2.4 billion people use the internet every day, and 90 percent of those have purchased something, or contacted a company, online in the last 12 months. By not having a website, you will be missing out on a big piece of the pie.

Reason #3 – A Website Is Open 24 Hours a Day

Your website can be considered an employee that works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without taking sick leave or vacations, and it requires little to no daily supervision. Your message is always available to your current and potential customers.

Reason #4 – A Website Provides Constant Communication with Customers

By having a blog or a newsfeed on your website, you can update customers on your newest offers, products, promotions, events, news, photos or any other content.

Reason #5 – A Website Offers Additional Marketing Opportunities

The internet has opened up a whole new world of marketing that did not exist before. Your website can attract new business by using low-cost internet marketing techniques.

Reason #6 – A Website Creates Instant Visibility for Your Company

Online searching is the fastest and most convenient way for potential clients to search for the products or services they need. If your website is not there, you may be seriously missing out and lose potential customers to your competitors.

Reason #7 – A Website Reaches Clients Worldwide

With a website, you are no longer limited to a certain geographic area of potential customers. Your place of business may be in a small town or city, but your reach to customers can be extended nationally and even internationally.

Reason #8 – A Website Answers Frequently Asked Questions

Business owners often get asked the same questions over and over again, including business location, services provided, hours of operation, etc. Your website allows you to address these frequently asked questions which saves your staff time and effort. It also proactively provides answers to questions before the customer even thinks to ask them.

Reason #9 – A Website Can Increase Credibility via Client Testimonials and Reviews

Your website can provide reviews and testimonials from your satisfied customers, which serve to increase your credibility. Ask yourself if you would feel more comfortable purchasing a product or a service from a business that had 100 positive reviews or no positive reviews?

Reason #10 – A Website Can Help Build Your Client Database

A website allows you to capture client email addresses and other contact information via a web form. You can then send emails or text messages to them in future marketing campaigns. For any new business that desires to expand, this is an easy way to gain potential clients and new business simply by asking for a visitor’s email address when they come to your website.

Ultimately, there is no downside to having a website for a business as it does so much more than just serve as an online presence for your business. In fact, as your website traffic increases – along with your bottom line – most business owners will find they don’t mind getting stuck in that kind of traffic at all.
